37th Second District Representative – Kelvin “Pofo” Ampofo
Brothers of the Mighty 2nd District,
Please plan for a successful Virtual Conference. We look forward to sharing your energy, enthusiasm, intellect and love for Omega at the home of the Steel City Ques!
Fraternally Yours!
Bro. Kelvin “Pofo” Ampofo
37th Second District Representative
73rd Second District Marshal – Bro. Dr. Rahmon Hart
Greetings Brothers,
On behalf of the Iota Phi Chapter, I want to welcome you to the City of Pittsburgh for the 73rd Second District Conference. It is an honor and a privilege to be entrusted with the responsibility of hosting our beloved brothers and their respective family members.
Over the last year, our planning team has been working diligently to ensure that everything is in perfect order. The Iota Phi Chapter has a long history of providing leadership and service within the City of Pittsburgh that dates back to 1925 when our chapter was founded. During this planning process, we have collaborated with a network of community leaders and organizations within the Steel City to appropriately roll out the purple and gold carpet.
In addition to taking care of important Omega business, we have some exciting activities planned over the next few days. There is an opening networking mixer at the Rivers Casino, we will film a public service announcement in support of Domestic Violence Prevention that will broadcast regionally, and we will enjoy a few special events at the world-class August Wilson African American Cultural Center located across the street from the host hotel.
Host District – Second District of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.
The Second District Conference was founded in Brooklyn, N.Y. in 1947 shortly after being transferred from the First District which included Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut.
When formed the District was composed of five states: New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware and the Eastern Shore of Maryland. When the newly formed District was transferred there were eleven chapters and in 1973 there were forty-four chapters (twelve undergraduate, three intermediate, and twenty-nine Graduate Chapters).
Iota Phi Chapter
Home of the Steel City Ques!
Welcome Brothers!
It is an absolute pleasure and honor to host you for the 73rd Second District Conference! Whatever it is that you need, just call on a brother of Iota Phi and then consider it done. For the brothers of Iota Phi, its All hands on deck and we are here to serve you.
Host Chapter – Iota Phi Chapter Overview
The Iota Phi Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. was founded in 1925 in Pittsburgh, PA. We have enjoyed a unique bond that includes brothers that range from 19 to over 90 years old. Omicron Psi (University of Pittsburgh) was born from the Iota Phi Chapter in 1927 and most undergraduate chapters in Southwestern PA were chartered through Omicron Psi. This blend of young and old is a characteristic that we proudly embrace.
Our origin connects directly with the African American history of Pittsburgh.The charter members of Iota Phi included prominent businessmen, architects, educators, government officials and athletes. Even during our early years, the Omega footprint exists throughout southwestern Pennsylvania.
We have consistently maintained a financial membership of close to 100 and remain a thoroughly immersed group of members with a lifelong mission of making a positive contribution to the community. Since our chapter’s inception, we have customized our programs and services in response to the needs of the community.
Iota Phi has fulfilled the FOUR CARDINAL PRINCIPLES of the fraternity, – MANHOOD, SCHOLARSHIP, PERSEVERANCE, and UPLIFT.
For more information on the Iota Phi Chapter, please visit https://www.pittsburghques.org/